Serenity Moon Tea
Welcome to our new home, formerly Xiu Xian Tea
Specializing in loose leaf tea, herbs and tea accessories
Originally opened as Xiu Xian Tea on September 17th, 2005, we decided after 10+ years to rename and relocate to our new home here in Kent right next to where we first opened during our humble beginnings. Our tea business is the real thing when it comes to authentic, traditional Chinese tea and the way to prepare, serve and drink it just as the Chinese have for thousands of years. Customer service is our top priority in keeping with the tradition of educating and serving customers.
Tea - At The Source!
We go all the way to China to bring you authentic Chinese loose tea. By going direct to the source, we are able to walk side by side with the producers of tea. From talking with the pickers in the field, seeing them as they choose and pick the tea leaves for the best possible selection. And then on to production in all it's various forms from White Tea to Black Tea, and everything in between. Again we walk hand in hand with the workers as they follow the traditional steps performed for hundreds of years. The care that they take to adhere to the perfected methods is absolutely fascinating to behold.
Tea - At The Source Continued
After the tea is prepared as a finished product it is then treated to modern ways by "vacuum sealing" in order to maintain its peak freshness. And it stays that way as shipped to us for our store. This is stored in a cooler waiting for the day to be opened. To be measured and sealed into packages of whatever amount the customer desires. We take great measures to insure that our customers receive the freshest and best tasting tea possible.

Tea - Green, White, Black, Wulong, Red, Herbals - Pure, Fresh, Healthy!
Enjoy this beverage anytime of day... loose teas, popular for centuries in China, has become increasingly popular in other countries, including the United States.
Camellia Sinensis, a small bushy plant, is responsible for all of the tea that we drink, including black, green, oolong, and white. The different varieties, even though they originate from the same plant, vary in color, chemical composition, taste, and nutritional benefits.
The differences are not only a result of ripeness of the leaves, but also degree of oxidation. Tea leaves are harvested, and immediately begin to dry out and oxidize. During this process, chemical changes begin to occur in the leaves. The longer they are left to dry on their own, the darker their color becomes. The oxidation of some tea is quickened by rolling the leaves to release their juices. The oxidation is then halted by heating or steaming the leaves.
The result of this processing is a delicate, mildly sweet tea, which lacks some of the “green“ or “grassy“ flavors often present in green tea.
For the tea drinker concerned with the health benefits, the minimal processing means something else. White tea normally contains more polyphenols (cancer-fighting anti-oxidants) than other tea varieties. Recent studies have also concluded that white tea can help your body’s immune system fight off viruses and other bacteria. Some of the same studies also concluded that drinking white tea helps to inhibit the growth of dental plaque.
Contact Us
Please contact us by phone or email -
We don't have a shopping cart for the new site built yet you can simply call and place an order any time during open hours.